Deutscher akad.-tech. Radfahrverein Prag

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Deutscher Akademischer Technischer Radfahrverein Prag (abbreviated to D.A.T.R.V. Prag) was an ethnic German sports club situated in Prague, Bohemia, when the area was under Austro-Hungarian rule.

In the autumn of 1900, the club looked into the adoption of the sport of bandy hokey. They rented a training area within the Bubnaer racetrack. As early as November 1900, the club had two active teams in the sport. Applications were addressed to Leo Klein, Prague II, Schulgasse 3.[1]

In December 1900, several men and a lady played field hockey as training for the game of ice hockey. The ground was muddy and all involved were smeared on the face and clothing with mud. The separate sides soon became indistinguishable. The contest was boisterous with numerous rule violations.[2]

The club later went on to play some friendly bandy hockey matches. Hans Teller, one of Bohemia's bandy pioneers, captained the team from 1900 to 1905.

Known results

Date Location Teams Score
January 20, 1901 Radfahrverein - Berliner FC Preussen 4:2
February 10, 1901 Radfahrverein - Berliner Hockey und Radpolo Klub 1:13 (0:8, 1:5)
January 18, 1903 Radfahrverein - I. CLTC Praha 9:2
January 25, 1903 Radfahrverein - I. CLTC Praha 14:1
January 3, 1904 Reichenberg Radfahrverein - Reichenberger Fussball Klub 13:4
January 31, 1904 Vienna Radfahrverein - TEC 15:5 (6:2, 9:3)
January 18, 1905 Radfahrverein - I. CLTK Praha 18:4
January 22, 1905 Leipzig Radfahrverein - Leipziger SC 5:15
January 30, 1905 Vienna Radfahrverein - TEC 4:1 (1:0, 3:1)


  1. Prager Tagblatt, November 17, 1900
  2. Prager Tagblatt, December 28, 1900

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