Hockey Algeria

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Organization Association Algérienne de Hockey sur Glace et Inline
Joined IIHF September 26, 2019
President Karim Kerbouche
Algeria national ice hockey team Logo.png

The Algerian Association of Ice and Inline Hockey, known in French as the Association Algérienne de Hockey sur Glace et Inline (AAIIH), is the governing body of both ice and inline hockey in Algeria.

Hockey Algeria was founded in 2008 by Karim Kerbouche, Harond Litim and Nassim Boulakdem and was later accepted into the International Ice Hockey Federation (IIHF) on 26 September 2019.[1] The goal was to unite hockey players of Algerian origin from around the world, and create an Algerian national team. Hockey Algeria is an associate member of the IIHF and therefore has no right to vote in the General Assembly. The current president of Hockey Algeria is Karim Kerbouche.

Ice hockey in Algeria

There is currently little ice hockey activity in Algeria. There is currently one club in Algeria, HC Alger Corsaires.[2] There is one real ice rink in Algeria and several synthetic ice rinks, with various levels of activity within them.

See also


External links

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