Winnipeg Ladies Hockey League
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The Winnipeg Ladies Hockey League was contested in Winnipeg, Manitoba from 1933 to 1938.
- 1933-34
- 11/30: Northern Lights - University of Manitoba 8:1
- 12/7: Northern Lights - Olympics 6:0
- 12/7: Eatons - University of Manitoba 6:0
- 12/14: Eatons - Northern Lights 2:2
- 12/28: Eatons - Olympics 6:1
- 1/4: Northern Lights - Eatons 2:0
- 1/4: Olympics - University of Manitoba 2:1
- 1/11: Olympics - Eatons 3:2
- 1/11: Northern Lights - University of Manitoba 5:0
- 1/18: Northern Lights - Olympics 2:0
- 1/18: Eatons - University of Manitoba 3:1
- 1/25: Eatons - Northern Lights 2:1 - final
- 2/1: Northern Lights - Eatons 3:1 - "
- 2/8: Eatons - Northern Lights 2:0 - "
- 1934-35
- 12/13: Olympics - University of Manitoba 2:0
- 12/13: Eatons - Northern Lights 1:0
- 12/27: Eatons - University of Manitoba 6:0
- 12/27: Northern Lights - Olympics 2:1
- 1/3: Eatons - Olympics 2:1
- 1/3: Northern Lights - University of Manitoba 2:0
- 1/10: Eatons - University of Manitoba 1:0 OT
- 1/10: Northern Lights - Olympics 2:0
- 1/17: Northern Lights - University of Manitoba 3:0
- 1/17: Olympics - Eatons 2:1
- 1/24: Eatons - Northern Lights 1:0 OT
- 1/24: Olympics - University of Manitoba 3:0
- 1/31: Eatons - Olympics 3:0
- 1/31: Northern Lights - University of Manitoba 2:0
- 2/7: Eatons - University of Manitoba 2:1
- 2/7: Northern Lights - Olympics 1:0
- 2/14: University of Manitoba - Olympics 3:0
- 2/14: Eatons - Northern Lights 2:1
- 2/21: Northern Lights - Eatons 1:0 - final
- 2/28: Eatons - Northern Lights 2:0 - "
- 3/7: Eatons - Northern Lights 1:0 - "
- 3/11: Eatons - Northern Lights 2:1 OT - "
- 1935-36
- 12/12: Rangers - Olympics 1:0 OT
- 12/26: Olympics - University of Manitoba 2:0
- 1/2: Rangers - University of Manitoba 4:2
- 1/9: Olympics - Rangers 2:1
- 1/16: Olympics - University of Manitoba 2:0
- 1/23: Rangers - University of Manitoba 5:2
- 1/30: Rangers - Olympics 4:1
- 2/6: Olympics - University of Manitoba 3:0
- 2/13: Rangers - Olympics 1:0 - final
- 2/20: Rangers - Olympics 1:1 OT - "
- 2/27: Rangers - Olympics 2:1 - "
- 1936-37
- 1/7: University of Manitoba - Rangers 2:0
- 1/14: University of Manitoba - Olympics 2:1
- 1/21: Olympics - Rangers 3:2
- 1/28: University of Manitoba - Rangers 3:1
- 2/4: Olympics - University of Manitoba 2:0
- 2/11: Olympics - Rangers 3:2 OT
- 2/18: Rangers - University of Manitoba 1:1 OT
- 2/25: Olympics - University of Manitoba 2:1 OT - final
- 3/4: University of Manitoba - Olympics 2:1 - "
- 3/11: Olympics - University of Manitoba 2:1 - "
- 1937-38
- 1/6: Rangers - Olympics 4:1
- 1/13: Olympics - University of Manitoba 3:0
- 1/20: Rangers - University of Manitoba 5:3
- 1/27: Olympics - Rangers 2:0
- 2/3: Olympics - University of Manitoba 2:1
- 2/10: Rangers - University of Manitoba 2:1
- 2/17: Olympics - Rangers 2:1
- 2/26: Olympics - University of Manitoba 4:1
- 3/3: University of Manitoba - Rangers 3:2 OT
- 3/7: Olympics - Rangers 4:0 - final
- 3/14: Olympics - Rangers 1:0 - "
- 1938-39
Exhibition Series @ Grafton, ND
- 12/31: Olympics - Rangers 6:1
- 1/1: Rangers - Olympics 4:3
There were plans for a league schedule to be played, but no results were reported.
- Winnipeg Tribune