Halland Ice Hockey Association

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The Halland Ice Hockey Association (Swedish: Hallands Ishockeyförbund) was a district association of the Swedish Ice Hockey Association. It was founded on 15 January 1959.[1], It was dissolved on 1 July 2010 and the clubs in Halmstad Municipality and Laholm Municipality were transferred to the Skåne Ice Hockey Association, while the others were transferred to the Göteborg Ice Hockey Association.[2]


  1. Tobias Stark (12 June 2010). "Folkhemmet på is" (in Swedish). Linné University. p. 264. http://lnu.diva-portal.org/smash/get/diva2:320067/FULLTEXT01.pdf. Retrieved 11 June 2021. 
  2. Carl Fredrik Johansson (1 July 2010). "Hockeyförbundet i Halland upplöst" (in Swedish). Hallandsposten. https://www.hallandsposten.se/sport/ishockey/hockeyf%C3%B6rbundet-i-halland-uppl%C3%B6st-1.1726286. Retrieved 11 June 2021.