2011-12 Chinese Taipei Ice Hockey League season

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Revision as of 14:45, 3 July 2024 by Admin (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The '''2011-12 Chinese Taipei Ice Hockey League season''' was divided into two groups, the Open (International) Division, where the overall champion was crowned, and the Club (Development) Division. ==Open (International) Division== *9/4: '''Sharks''' - Raptors 4:3 *9/4: '''Tigers''' - Mustangs 6:5 *9/4: '''Wolves''' - Bears 5:0 *9/11: '''Bears''' - Tigers 5:4 *9/11: '''Wolves''' - Raptors 5:4 *9/11: '''Mustangs''' - Sharks 5:2 *9/18: '''Wolves''' - Sharks 5:3 *9/1...")
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The 2011-12 Chinese Taipei Ice Hockey League season was divided into two groups, the Open (International) Division, where the overall champion was crowned, and the Club (Development) Division.

Open (International) Division

  • 9/4: Sharks - Raptors 4:3
  • 9/4: Tigers - Mustangs 6:5
  • 9/4: Wolves - Bears 5:0
  • 9/11: Bears - Tigers 5:4
  • 9/11: Wolves - Raptors 5:4
  • 9/11: Mustangs - Sharks 5:2
  • 9/18: Wolves - Sharks 5:3
  • 9/18: Bears - Mustangs 3:2
  • 9/18: Tigers - Raptors 6:2
  • 10/2: Raptors - Bears 5:4
  • 10/2: Wolves - Mustangs 7:6
  • 10/2: Sharks - Tigers 4:1
  • 10/16: Wolves - Tigers 7:1
  • 10/16: Mustangs - Raptors 6:2
  • 10/16: Bears - Sharks 4:1
  • 11/6: Sharks - Mustangs 8:1
  • 11/6: Tigers - Bears 3:0
  • 11/6: Raptors - Wolves 7:4
  • 11/24: Mustangs - Bears 6:2
  • 11/27: Raptors - Tigers 8:5
  • 11/27: Sharks - Wolves 4:2
  • 12/18: Wolves - Sharks 3:3
  • 12/18: Tigers - Raptors 6:1
  • 12/18: Bears - Mustangs 5:3
  • 1/8: Mustangs - Raptors 5:3
  • 1/15: Wolves - Tigers 4:3
  • 1/15: Bears - Sharks 3:2
  • 2/5: Raptors - Sharks 9:2
  • 2/5: Mustangs - Tigers 6:5
  • 2/16: Bears - Raptors 5:2
  • 2/19: Sharks - Tigers 6:4
  • 2/19: Mustangs - Wolves 4:1
  • 3/1: Mustangs - Sharks 5:3
  • 3/4: Tigers - Bears 5:2
  • 3/4: Raptors - Wolves 7:3
  • 3/15: Tigers - Mustangs 10:8
  • 3/18: Bears - Wolves 4:0
  • 4/8: Tigers - Sharks 8:0
  • 4/8: Mustangs - Wolves 8:6
  • 4/12: Raptors - Bears 5:2
  • 4/15: Wolves - Bears 6:4
  • 4/19: Wolves - Tigers 4:3
  • 4/22: Bears - Sharks 5:2
  • 4/22: Mustangs - Raptors 5:4
  • 4/29: Raptors - Tigers 4:3
  • 5/6: Bears - Wolves 3:2
  • 5/6: Mustangs - Raptors 3:2 SO
  • 5/10: Wolves - Bears 7:3
  • 5/10: Raptors - Mustangs 4:1
  • Wolves - Bears 5:1
  • Raptors - Mustangs
  • Wolves - Raptors 2:1
  • 5/20: Wolves - Raptors 5:3

Club (Development) Division

  • 9/25: Rhinos - Scorpions 5:0
  • 9/25: Dragons - Typhoon 2:1
  • 9/25: Halleluyah - I.H.L. 8:4
  • 10/9: Silver Yeti Monster - Scorpions 9:0
  • 10/9: Pirates - Dragons 5:4
  • 10/9: Tu Gou - I.H.L. 5:0
  • 12/25: Typhoon - Silver Yeti Monster 4:0
  • 12/25: Scorpions - Tu Gou 6:4
  • 12/25: Dragons - Halleluyah 5:1
  • 1/8: Dragons - Rhinos 7:1
  • 1/29: Typhoon - Halleluyah 9:3
  • 1/29: Pirates - I.H.L. 5:2
  • 2/12: Tu Gou - Pirates 5:4 SO
  • 2/12: I.H.L. - Scorpions 8:5
  • 2/23: Rhinos - Halleluyah 10:2
  • 2/25: Silver Yeti Monster - I.H.L. 5:0
  • 2/25: Tu Gou - Halleluyah 10:4
  • 3/8: Dragons - Scorpions 11:0
  • 3/11: Tu Gou - Typhoon 6:3
  • 3/11: Silver Yeti Monster - Rhinos 6:2
  • 3/22: Tu Gou - Silver Yeti Monster 8:5
  • 3/25: Typhoon - Pirates 4:1
  • 3/25: Halleluyah - Scorpions 8:0
  • 4/5: Typhoon - Scorpions 10:2
  • 4/15: I.H.L. - Rhinos 7:3
  • Tu Gou - Dragons 8:4
  • 4/29: Dragons - I.H.L. 3:3 - became 1:0 Forfeit
  • 5/3: Rhinos - Pirates 7:6
Standings as of 1/15


  1. Pirates 3-0-0-6 25:6
  2. Dragons 3-2-0-6 21:12
  3. SYM 2-1-1-5 16:11
  4. Typhoon 2-1-0-4 8:3
  5. Tu Gou 2-1-0-4 15:7
  6. Halleluyah 2-2-0-4 14:18
  7. Rhinos 1-2-0-2 7:13
  8. Scorpions 1-3-0-2 7:32
  9. I.H.L. 0-3-0-0 5:16
Consolation round

Halleluyah, Scorpions, and I.H.L. took part in the consolation series.

  • 6/3: Rhinos - Dragons
  • 6/3: Silver Yeti Monster - Pirates
  • Typhoon - Rhinos
  • Tu Gou - Silver Yeti Monster
  • 6/14: Typhoon - Tu Gou 8:1
  • 6/17: Tu Gou - Typhoon 7:2
  • 6/21: Typhoon - Tu Gou 3:2

External links