1905-06 JAHA Season
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This was the 1905-06 Junior Amateur Hockey Association season:
Atheaneum, AAA III, Shamrocks III, Victorias III, Westmount (A), Gordons II, Loyola, McGill III, Stirling (B), Buckingham, Ottawa Victoria II (C)
- Regular season
- 1/9: Atheaneum - Victorias
- 1/11: Gordons - McGill
- 1/12: Stirling - Loyola
- 1/15: Shamrocks - Westmount 6:4
- 1/16: AAA - Victorias
- 1/18: Stirling - McGill
- 1/19: Gordons - Loyola
- 1/22: Shamrocks - Atheaneum 3:0
- 1/25: Gordons - Stirling
- 1/25: Loyola - McGill
- 1/29: Westmount - AAA
- 2/1: Stirling - Gordons 5:2
- 2/5: AAA - Shamrocks 3:1
- 2/6: Westmount - Victorias 7:1
- 2/8: Stirling - McGill 3:2 OT
- 2/12: Loyola - Gordons
- 2/13: Athenaeum - AAA 3:0
- 2/16: Buckingham - Ottawa Victorias 4:3
- 2/16: McGill - Gordons
- 2/19: McGill - Loyola
- 2/19: Westmount - Athenaeum 7:0
- 2/20: Shamrocks - Victorias 3:0
- 2/21: Stirling - Loyola 6:5
- 2/23: Buckingham - Ottawa Victorias
- 2/25: Westmount - Shamrocks 2:1 - A group tiebreaker final
- Semifinal
- 2/27: Westmount - Stirling 3:1
- 3/1: Stirling - Westmount 3:2
Westmount won.
- Final
- Westmount - Buckingham - Buckingham forfeited the two-game series, ceding the title to Westmount
- Montreal Gazette